Insolvency Asset disposal
We started out in Asset Management and Commercial auctions so we have vast experience across this sector
and have and do work with a vast number of companies.
They come back to us because we say YES!
We can mobile teams quickly and we are extremely efficient and professional.
Here's what we can offer, and we can do as much or as little as is required..
Firstly we can purchase all assets, we will leave site fully clear and safe OR if you would prefer site cleared and stored, then we can offer the following services:
Using site audit pro, produce a catalogue of the main assets
Label all assets with asset tags. (All smaller assets would be crated and labelled)
Deal with all 3rd party assets and liaise with these 3rd parties
All food stock that cannot be reused will go to recycling
Food/Alcohol stocks moved to trading sites as required
All paperwork will be boxed and labelled
Meter Readings Taken
Site Left Safe with all water/Gas capped and all electrics left safe
All rubbish removed – we have a waste carriers licence
We will deal with access to sites via shopping centre permits etc.
You will have a detailed plan of strip outs.
All assets returned to out Gloucestershire Storage warehouse with access Monday to Friday without notice from your teams
Accurate record kept of asset redeployment
Transport available to redeploy assets to other sites, as required
Monthly storage rates, easy in and out without penalty